Disease, prostatitis symptoms in men treatment.


The reasons to distinguish acute prostatitis, prostatitis is a violation of the following basic cause is a hormone that causes an increase in blood circulation and. Why disorders of blood circulation, a sedentary lifestyle, and at the same time, a great weight. Another cause of prostatitis is infection from entering. Gonorrhea urethritis may often fall as a result of infection or, rarely complications, sore throat, flu, tuberculosis. Bacterial prostatitis an infectious the prostate gland starts a character in contact contractor through blood, lymph, during, and unprotected sexual intercourse, in other words the body through body fluids. Various microorganisms, present continuous skin to human skin, even the abdominal organs, the intestine, for example, under certain conditions, it's a disease that can trigger the development.

Pelvic soft tissue and organ injuries, the violation circulation common cause is prostatitis. Usually, this situation is more than just drivers, connected to the works of professional danger – continuous vibration, vibration, large load on the muscles of the perineum. To contribute to the development of the same disease, often dry and low physical activity, presence of chronic disease, urogenital sphere or fail hormonal balance, delay urination and a regular sex life. A stormy sexual activity in men comes quickly, neural and physical fatigue, disrupted hormonal system, the Sexual Glands, the road gradually declining potency. Interrupted sexual acts on men's health and is reflected in a good way. The languages of education experts, the reasons for diseases:


  • Weakened immune decreases, situation protective barriers preventing many viral infections;
  • Processes infectious – viral elements, germs, bacteria through the bloodstream or lymphatic way to fall prostate. This phenomenon of symptom – air PSA rises.
  • Crashes to lead a sedentary lifestyle, poor circulation and anoxia;
  • Moments crashes due to stagnant blood circulation in the genital area because it is the result of irregular sexual life, sexual intercourse long abstinence, irregular sexual relations.

The same main reasons, prostatitis in men can be invoked:

  • Hormonal disorders — version I have implemented what empowered production.
  • In a negative way affects the thyroid gland, prostate, why are his growth and inflammation. Less dangerous and hormonal failure, a weak urine feature.
  • Disorders, immune status — when the body works as a "limit" Protection present value functions. That's not possible against bacteria and viruses to penetrate him from the outside or inadequate chronic recurrent processes.
  • Passive male sex have an intimate relationship with a life stagnant inflammation which is the cause of irregular events.
  • Sexual contact with an incorrectly chosen tactic — it's not a secret that many couples as a contraceptive method is applied to the recall. They, thus, one obstacle to a full sperm output. Also, as a result, output and PAB mechanism is broken blood, pelvic organs surging and encouraged to keep active a satisfactory erection.
  • Sedentary men — why stagnant events.
  • Urethral reflux — background bacterial occurs due to lesions to the urethra. A breach mechanism of reverse urine output, and the seed takes a portion of the road caused by a bacterial infection of the prostate.
  • Violation mode eating — unhealthy food your current diet, weight, animal fat and protein and fiber disadvantage, these effects of hormonal background and full-fledged business with a bowel.
  • The excessive fascination with exercise, especially with the application of steroid drugs.
  • Dress warmly and stay dry — why decreased immunity and development of pathogenic flora.
the difference of patients and healthy prostate

Increase the risk of irregular sexual life, sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted infections occur in men, often hidden, this stunning gland, prostate. According to a survey, in 78% of cases the cause of the inflammation, has, directly or indirectly, Trichomonas, chlamydia, giardinelli, gonokok are. In the Middle Ages being the major cause prostatitis a sedentary lifestyle, dry and irregular sexual life. During this period, the symptoms of an acute process are not pointed out, started it, and have a chance to go not timely treatment to chronic.

Prostate disease

  1. Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate.
  2. Vesiculitis – complications prostatitis is characterized by inflammation of a seminal vesicle.
  3. Prostate adenoma – benign prostate gland education.
  4. Cancer malignancy training.
  5. Prostate sarcoma – type tumors, tumors most often young males (50% – children under the age of 10! 25% – people 10 to 30 years).
  6. Stone prostate cancer. Reconciliation Studies of the kidney.
  7. chart

  8. Fibrosis urination–.
  9. APSE prostate – purulent processes, complications of untreated infections.
  10. Tuberculosis of the prostate. Why bacteria, Koch, a, AS IS known, not surprisingly, only slightly.

The symptoms and symptoms of the disease

The headline alone from this disease already possible to hover the horror! For men with prostate disease, unfortunately, it is not uncommon today. Perhaps the reason for this, the environment, and at the same time a way of life, a contemporary youth. Either way, prevention of any disease, complications, treatment. Prostatitis is no exception! For him the characteristic symptoms include:

  1. Lower abdominal pain, cutting, urination, during.
  2. Pain in the perineum, scrotum.
  3. Impaired erection.
  4. A short sexual relationship.
  5. No spontaneous erections in the morning.

The "set" of signs depends on The Shape of the prostate diseases.

  1. Acute prostatitis is. Why are pathogenic bacteria – e. coli, Klebsiella, Ayse, enterokokkami, enterobacterium and the intestinal microflora to carry staph. Falling through the rectum the prostate gland, they may be caused by inflammation.
  2. Chronic bacterial prostatitis. The main reason – the same pathogen, bacteria, infections, sexually transmitted diseases – Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, trichomoniasis. Symptoms in chronic infections, missing most of the disease or mild.
  3. Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. Introduction the most frequent form. Visible inflammation as a result pelvic organs, and a bad legacy.
  4. analysis

  5. Asymptomatic (asymptomatic) may have a chronic form. In men, this form of treatment is usually not required. However, prevention, not because hindrance are also a symptom of prostate cancer. So if the sick person, this form required annual donation of blood tumor markers. Holding periodic expert visits and ultrasound diagnosis are also welcome. So just avoid the negative effects prostatitis.

Prostate adenoma – contains paraurethral glands with pathological lesions as a result of prostate enlargement. This disease most frequently develops in males of which fifty (in 60% of cases). The main reason – low sex hormone levels with over the years. Representatives from the attacks of the disease and thus cause a strong in the prime of life (30-40 years). Timely diagnosis and treatment inflammation of the prostate all chances to a man, healthy and full life. So, when increases, prostate symptoms in men can be achieved:

  • Due to the current weak irregular output of urine.
  • To the bathroom urine often, especially at night.
  • Disorder and bladder tone Nov.
  • Urination men requires a little effort.
  • Jet in stagnant sometimes interrupted during the process.
  • Heavy feeling and urine discharge.
  • Sharp movements urinary incontinence (don't laugh, cough).
  • Kidney disorders bladder stones.

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Prostatitis symptoms in men is an expression that can always be. As a result, the disease is acute and a running scene. That may appear a mental disorder, apathy, boredom. Men's full reduction functions to the bladder. Ejaculation happens, and if it occurs very rare in the form of drops. Developing end-stage renal failure. If this help, sick, he could die. If you produce timely diagnosis and treatment, the organ, the results are very sad. Depending on which form of developing prostatitis men, the complications are different.

  1. The effects of acute prostatitis (bacterial) – abscess (pus the defeat). Symptoms – fever and fever. Edema cancer caused by complete cessation of urination. Then the blood that causes an abscess infection.
  2. Conclusions chronic prostatitis (bacterial) – decreased sex drive, painful ejaculation, hard erection. Vesiculitis is also the cause of the disease, cases are presented (testicular inflammation) is contagious.
  3. The results for non-bacterial prostatitis cause impotence. Put the cross-a satisfying sex life.
  4. Examining the effects of prostate cancer. Asymptomatic prostatitis, sometimes eren sandal: stone period, can turn into a tumor. In the initial stages of a cancer diagnosis is difficult. Therefore, the Prevention of "male" disease PSA blood donation is recommended for each year.

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Each of the forms in the absence of timely intervention may be caused by prostatitis:

  • prostate cancer still;
  • training bladder stones;
  • infertility;
  • education, cysts, and adenomas.

Why is it so important to follow your health and don't have the slightest discomfort go to the doctor. Adenoma prostate cancer – one of the most common diseases in men in old age (90% of patients – eighty for these people). All the danger of complications caused by the disease.

  1. Urinary tract infection – cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis. The recession that is associated with inflammation, the urine, this positive breeding background for bacteria.
  2. Acute urinary retention and painful. May occur and alcohol or a drug reaction (also a post-surgery).
  3. Training bladder stones. All internships, urine.
  4. Renal failure. Visible advanced stages, that can be caused by an adenoma of the death of the patient.
  5. Hematuria – blood in the urine.

Professionals need timely treatment to prevent complications of the disease and its treatment produce sickness. In the first stage for the disease, current antibiotic courses. Second and third surgical treatment. It should be noted that the results of the process are:

  • bleeding;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • corruption, sexual quality of life.

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The prostate in men, symptoms, treatment

The topic for the most up-to-date, strong sex. Maybe, if you abide by the preventive measures against this disease, the number of patients will decrease significantly. If it starts to malfunction in the prostate gland in men, symptoms, first manifestation of a weak or almost missing. This Properties prostatitis, immediately discharge passes, chronic diseases. All the symptoms into consideration, can be divided into their various categories:

  • pain syndrome begin to emerge, with pain and burning sensation along with inserted;
  • dysurie effect causes, and problems with urination;
  • sexy genital organs for violation of road works.

Rear stagnant an inflammatory process may be subject to general, a man then I feel:

  • high temperature;
  • strong pain in the perineum or scrotum;
  • visible difficulty and pain while urinating;
  • in the absence of the toilet for urinating frequently and the urine;
  • the prostate gland begins to grow sizes;
  • owing occurs in rare cases, urinary retention.

Disease prevention

Side effects are temporary, and then have a full recovery. The prostate in men and the ovaries in women inflamed as often. The most common representatives of the stronger sex for all cancers – prostate cancer. The observed tumor 10% of patients, the same trend marked by growth. Full name, causes tumor formation is difficult. Most commonly affected men have a predisposition for that type of cancer that had cases).

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Pre-emergence, it could be a tumour a long-term inflammatory processes left behind by without notice. One thing remains – maintenance therapy. For this reason, doctors advice blood tests on a regular basis is a dog. Just so timely diagnosis of pre-cancerous changes in prostate cancer tissues. The best prevention of not only prostate disease also have other diseases – a healthy lifestyle.

Have a positive action:

  • Proper and balanced diet.
  • Exercise, sports, running, swimming, hiking.
  • Medications and treatments, strengthening the immune system.
  • Regular sexual life.
  • Leave your bad habits.
  • Dress warmly and to stay dry, the body should not be allowed.